sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




History of the breed

Alaskan Malamute owes its existence to the people residing in areas of Canada, the United States and Russia, the icy world stretching from the Bering Strait, to the fjords of East Greenland. This people are Inuit. Before 35 thousand years ago people migrated from Liquid center of Asia and crossed the Bering Strait. With them migrated type dogs jackal. These dogs were crossed with the Arctic wolves, and over the centuries they have brought a distinctive northern races in the type Malamute. Were characterized by rough, shaggy fur, curled over the back tail and pointed snouts. People living in these cold areas without access to any technology accompanied by their dogs with which they hunted, hunted game and moved around, though not yet known when the sled is to use two rods whose ends combined over the back of the dog. When the peoples of the far north colonized specific area, have begun to breed dogs with specific need in their characteristics and temperament. They began to appear some patterns and so people called Malehmiuci selected the dogs strong, sturdy, which could operate at very economical diet. This people using these dogs hunted and moved when I started running out of food while overcoming large areas. These dogs are moving their belongings do not have to be fast, because moving along with their masters. They were very persistent and strong. Inuit Mahlemut settled areas near Kotzebue Sound in North-Western-section of Alaska. It was there that created this wonderful breed. Alaska malamute dogs we meet also further south near the coast. Alaska malamute been friendly to man, but not against other dogs. Often they competing for food, for leadership in a herd of females. This struggle often ended in tragedy for one of the dogs. Additionally, dogs were regarded as food and in severe cases ended up as food for humans and other dogs. Individuals experienced the strongest, and the average life expectancy does not exceed 7 years. In addition Mahlemuci kill and eat dogs aggressive towards people, hence their unusual gentleness today in relation to man. Part of dogs castrated to avoid wszczynały fights, also ate less and better working and breeding was spent just strong and hard-working young individuals. When gold fever broke out in 1896. prospectors began to need strong dogs to work and carry loads. The cost of this team was very big around 1500 $ per team and $ 500 for a good dog. Race was approved by the ACK in 1935, the same where it was created "Alaskan Malamute Club of America".

About breed

Malamute - Dog extraordinary in every respect. Certainly every breeder is willing to say the same thing about the breed, which grows. But how to explain this incredible combination of enchanting primitive type of beauty so clouded with a wild wolf, with unusually gentle and friendly in relation to human nature? Mild wolf - at first glance improbable, but possible. Many publications will meet determination that the Malamute is not a dog for everyone. And that's the truth. Often we decide to have a dog of a breed solely in appearance, and not paying attention to his character, temperament, uspsobienie or utility. So we created for you this as objectively as possible "Understanding Race" is not concealing defects and sparing no benefits so that you can przeczytając him to decide whether you want to be happy Malamute owners .... or not.


Breed talking about exceptionally friendly attitude of the Malamute to man. In the past they were used not only for hunting and transporting cargo, but also to care for children. Aggressive dogs consistently eliminated from the culture most often their deaths. Therefore in today's Malamutes aggression towards humans it is a feature rather unusual. In relation to children malamutes are extremely friendly, docile and extremely patient. Quietly they hate them "petting" and here is our task to ensure that a child guided by curiosity did not unintentionally harm the dog by putting his finger into the eye for example. It is this immense patience and love for children Malamute made that these dogs began to be used in dog therapy or treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities through contact with the dog. In Poland, dog therapy works for several years and is increasingly popular form of rehabilitation. Malamute gentle disposition makes it unsuitable for the caretaker of the property. However, it has a great sense of the situation and is able to distinguish with what intentions arrived at our guest. If we are to welcome him warmly - a dog as well. If the guy's intentions are not friendly, strongly associated with us emotionally Malamute will react anxiously. Never, however, do not expect that we will be defended tooth and even training in this direction will have no effect. Although the Malamute is a dog extremely przyjecielskim towards people, so a little different thing applies when it comes to its relations with other animals. Here some of the features are apparent dominance over other dogs. Usually he has to be "the boss," but not in any way provoked by another dog that turns him submissive - not to attack. Propensity to hunt can make the Malamute throw in pursuit of roe deer or hare. Such hunting but usually fails and the dog after a while come back to us breathless, but happy with adventure. Malamutes are also known for his passion for dealing havoc in domestic poultry houses. Chickens are a fairly easy prey so often end their lives in the teeth of the dog, who once again find their way into the house, we can be sure that there will be a frequent visitor. A big attraction is also cows, horses and goats. So it's good to adequately protect the area after which a dog runs so that he had no possibility to get off the fence. However, we do not perceive Malamutes as murderers and conquerors weaker hens. Remember that our dog will behave like him to learn and will do it every allow him. We know Malamute, who brought up from birth in the holding wore in his mouth small chickens and did them any harm. Some growers also grow Malamutes the above mentioned livestock and dogs accustomed to them nauczły to treat them with indifference. In conclusion we can say that the malamute would be willing to accept any other animal, if only early start to familiarize him with it and with the greater number of new developments will acquaint our dog the more civilized he will behave. Although it happens that some deep-rooted tendencies we can not completely eliminate, it very much depends just on us - the people.


Some say - stupid, because I do not carry signals. The reason for this disobedience, however, lies elsewhere. Until the time one would like to hear his thoughts when the tenth time in a row make him sit and give paw. "Why? I've done it so many times. Enough! It's awfully boring! May I just go?" - Sometimes you can see it in his eyes. Monotony and repetition "over and over" the same - it's not for him. The Malamute is not a blind performer of our commands. It is not our servant, but a partner. Although many of them end with a very good result of course PT (Companion Dog) is jdnak they can not be "stop-the-fly" like a German shepherd. If we want to teach nastawmy rather for a longer period of time and let the lessons last a maximum of 10-15 minutes, let them be varied and interesting, and each correct behavior rewarded with something delicious. Let us be consistent against him. Earlier, let's with other members of the household at the dog allowed to do and what not. Malamutes are very docile, despite appearances brilliant and very eager to learn, because above all appreciate the work and contact with humans. The key to success in education Malamute is to develop an individual relationship between man and dog. If we succeed, it has already achieved half the battle. Such a bond is not formed immediately. You have to work at it sometimes quite long. He stays often with her dog, talk with him, strive to learn and get to know each other, and that connection will generate itself. I did not even notice when.


Stringent conditions malamutes from which they originate dogs made them extremely resistant to disease. If only we'll make sure deadlines vaccinations should not have major problems with the health of our Malamute. Particular caution is recommended in case of small puppies. Very important is the quarantine-vaccination. 3 weeks after each vaccination let us not allow a situation in which the puppy Zia could come with viruses or bacteria. This could end up tragically for him. Izolujmy them from other dogs especially stray and those on which we are not sure whether they are healthy. The best and safest way is at this time a puppy at all avoid contact with other animals. Give the young body to produce its own protection. Pilnujmy that the puppy was not in a place where a lot of droppings of other dogs, and that not raised anything from the ground. The most common though still sporadic ailment adult Malamutes is gastrointestinal upset. Manifested loose stools and there unfortunately, but mostly our fault. Malamute stomach is quite sensitive to sudden changes in karma, and if every day we give him food other than the one you ate before, his digestive system can react in this way. Normally 1 day hunger strike (only water to drink) in this case refers very good effect. If you want to change the karma of our dog should do it gradually over 7-10 days, adding to the food, which he ate so far the new food. We start from a few granules and gradually change the proportions of adding new and specifically our old karma, until complete replacement with a new one. In addition to the vaccinations should be every 6 months odrobaczyć dog. Puppies deworming every 3 months to complete 1 year of age. Nieodrobaczany dog ​​can lose condition - lose weight, but your appetite will remain unchanged, the hair can become dull, become brittle and fragile. These are the first signs of infestation, after which we must respond quickly because the toxins produced by the worms may make in the dog's body serious harm. Dog's normal body temperature is 38 - 38.5 degrees Celsius. Dry nose is usually a symptom rather high temperature of approx. 40 - 41 degrees. Physiologically dog ​​may have a dry nose during sleep, and when staying in an overheated room. In another case, the temperature may indicate the beginning of the infection. Malamutes the disease is rare and, as already mentioned, are relatively immune, but if you ever notice alarming symptoms of our dog that may indicate a deterioration of his condition zdowia or infection, let's not try to treat it on your own, do not provide "human" drugs, do not let's play in the vet but just let us go to him. Just as every person has his family doctor, so our dog should also have your veterinarian. Let us consider which doctor to choose and try to, if necessary, walk the dog back to him. Let the vet knows our dog from the beginning.


The remains of the table even out of the question. We have their food and their dogs. Spices we use are definitely not dogs. Done dry foods, which the market is now large selection. They have all the necessary dog ​​nutrients and micronutrients in the right proportions. Karma we can individually adjust to each dog. They are food for puppies (separately for breeds of small, medium, large and giant), for adult dogs (low, medium and high activity, and for dogs prone to allergies and skin problems) and for older dogs (over 8 years) , easily digestible and easily absorbed. Some food also contain ingredients teeth cleaning and strengthening of bones and joints. When choosing food we should especially take care of the growing puppy. Do not żałujmy money for good karma, as the pup grows after all, only once, and just like we do not invest on such a dog will grow. By choosing the feed we should know that the sale of so-called. karma "higher" and the "lower" shelf. The difference between them lies not only in price but also in the composition. Cheaper feed are produced with less valuable and therefore less digestible products. Let us choose food grade "Premium". They are very well balanced, manufactured from high quality, well digestible ingredients. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the dog. All information on this subject can be found on the packaging. Of course you can feed your dog personally prepared food - cooking vegetables, rice, slice or mince meat. But all this takes time. Ingredients must be listed in the right proportions, and this added vitamins and trace elements, which dosage you should consult with your veterinarian. Vitamins are naturally a source of health but administered in excess can be harmful. Vitamin C is the only one whose excess is flushed out of the body. Excess of other vitamins accumulates in tissues and organs, which in turn can lead to damage. Overdose of vitamin D3 to prevent rickets causes leaching of calcium from the body and excessive administration of calcium also can hurt. Feeding dry food ready so it is not "bingeing" but rather a sensible step. We save time, and while we make sure that our dog gets all that is necessary to maintain proper body condition.

Malamute summer

It goes without saying that the Malamute prefer winter of summer. Often view Malamute summer with dense, rich fur arouses sympathy and suggests that the dog must be awfully tired of this "outfit". The very name of the breed (Alaskan Malmute) says that the dog comes from Alaska. But remember that Alaska is not the land of the ice and prevail there, both 40 progressive frost and 30 gradually heat. These dogs are so well adapted to zmienych weather conditions. The dense fur more help than harm at high temperatures. Why? The Malamute has a fur consists of two layers: a thick, woolly down (undercoat) and more rigid top coat. It is this dense undercoat provides excellent insulation and protects the dog both frost and from the heat. It is much harder to endure heat short-haired dogs (such as Dalmatians, Dobermans, Shepherds ...) and having a shortened muzzle (eg boxers, pugs, Dogue de Bordeaux ...). Muzzle your dog is a very important element in the process thermoregulation. If there is a shortened body's cooling process it is much more difficult. Add to this an extraordinary innate capacity orgaizmu Malamute and we have the answer. This does not mean, however, that heat is indifferent to him. Malamutes summer behave in a rather unique way. Naturally reduces their physical activity. Living in the dog house most often sleeps most of the day lying down in a cool place, which he chooses for himself. Showed greater activity in the early morning and evening. When the dog lived in the yard you can be seen skonności to dig wells were put up and przesypiają most of the day. In this weather, do not forget about fresh cool water in the bowl of our favorite. Malmauty love to swim almost the same as running. If only we can let's get our dog to the water. Better yet, go with him instead of little uczęszczalne by humans. His behavior can arouse panic when we let him off the leash around sunbathing sunbathers. Most are wild gallops shore of the beach, slalom between blankets and brushed off out of the water. This, however, retains most of the dogs - not just malamutes. Such a trip to the water on a hot day will certainly be a great attraction for our dog. We have already mentioned reduced physical activity Malamutes summer. That reduced activity causes the dog on hot days often has a smaller appetite, and sometimes it happens that does not eat at all. Do not force him so and I do not advocate eating. A smaller amount of traffic causes less zapotrzebowaie energy, which provides food. If your dog sleeps almost all hot day, its demand for energy is negligible. Hence the reluctance to eat. The best time to walk in the summer is the time between 6:00 and 7:00 am and 21:00 - 23:00 in the evening. In the meantime wychodźmy with the dog for a short time to arranged their physiological needs (when the dog lives in the house). If you follow the above advice you will be convinced themselves that malamutowi summer is not so bad, and certainly no worse than inym dogs.

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