sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




Once, during a break in a group obedience training dogs, I observed the following scene. Some irresponsible owner, niesubordynowanego yet, a large quadruped, let him go. This galloped across the meadow and after a while he chose a goal fuss, quite inconspicuous-looking, especially in the high grass, medium-sized, yellow-white dog, well muscled, with a decidedly strong head. "Yellow" immediately noticed the intruder. To my surprise, however, he was calm, wagging his tail and the ... clearly a smile on his face watching the striker, who erect quickly approaching. After a while, the whole momentum, the words unrestrained aggression, somewhere disappeared, because the other part (happiness aggressor), there was no gesture "podięcia glove". Opposite it was perfectly civilized, completely sure of your physical superiority and particularly mental - american staffordshire terrier.

This uncommon dog, greatly simplifying, "was introduced" through crossbreeding old bulldogów with former terrierami. Here was especially significant Staffordshire Terrier, they used English to get proper dog fashion of his time fighting these animals and dog fighting with a bull. English Parliament in 1835 officially banned dog fighting organization. This did not mean to stop this practice, which continued even in the twentieth century. That prohibition also constituted a contribution to the development of exports from England and Ireland, on the American continent, bull type dogs & terrier .... to organize fights, but not only.

The first American settlers were exposed to many dangers and therefore were needed versatile, hard, fast, alert and courageous dogs. Their duties consisted of guarding homes and farms, some had to perform the functions of pastoral - to herd cattle and to protect them from wild animals. Manoeuvrable and fast dog had to deal with both rodents and various, often dangerous, reptiles. It was recognized that some larger dogs will better meet the demands guardian and protector, because in the culture they preferred larger ones, which sometimes led to growth of the overall population.

The driving force of the development of the farm "pit bulls" (an arena for fighting called pit) were, however, fighting dogs. At one time interest in these practices also appeared in Mexico. Although in this country fights roosters were the most successful competition dogs but also proved to be good for "making money" and provide excitement fans of bloody spectacles.

In the interwar period there was a further increase in the interest of Americans this type of primitive entertainment, especially since the high-stake bets. Previously imported Staffordshire bull terrier, formed the basis for deriving "improved" somewhat version of the dog, who took the leading position among the type dogs pit - bulls, dogs to fight. Bulldog strength, agility terrier and legendary courage of this dog, animal, describes him unusual. He is intelligent, lively, perceptive. These features make amstaff a great guardian, protector, defender, a valuable member of the herd - family.

Already during World War I, american pit bull terriers have enjoyed great popularity in the United States. For his services at the front (he saved the lives of many soldiers warning about the gas attack), a dog named Stubby got the rank of sergeant and a medal for bravery. Presidential medal, decoration at the White House, made a general Pershing. Representatives discussed the breed have become somewhat synonymous with America. Their likeness appeared on postage stamps, comic books, posters. Some companies have used a pit bull likeness for advertising their products (including Lewis).

Enthusiasts of these dogs come up with two names: the American pit bull terrier and American Staffordshire terrier. The difference is formal, contractual, although not entirely. In 1936 a group of breeders who want to expose their kids to events organized by the American Kennel Club, and develop breeding by a specific standard, both in terms of appearance and characteristics of a dog's human companion, registered breed under the name Staffordshire Terrier. The word "American" were added only in 1974. This standard is recognized by the FCI, i.e. International Federation Kennel Club which also owns Poland. Dogs called american pit bull terrier are not recognized as a breed in the / organization canine.

The AKC - the main and largest American club - ruled out the use of dogs for fighting (like FCI). The judge who notices on the show dog with scars, scars indicating that the dog was used for fighting - should disqualify him. It should be mentioned that at present other than the aforementioned, American cynological organizations, including rigorous approach to dog-fighting and participation in such events cause sanctions in the form of, among others, rescinding life genealogies, prevent the registration of litters of puppies like. The American Staffordshire Terrier is not a dog a big but feels very strong. Musculature, flexibility and agility with the full expression of the general expression, gives it a quaint charm, very lovable dog.

Despite the long-term culture aimed at consolidating friendly features amstaff, remember that temperament and mental qualities of representatives of this race represent a significant potential for aggression toward other dogs. Provoked to attack, not socialized amstaff not properly raised and trained from the earliest period of life, can become a source of serious problems for its owner. Puppy socialization should begin early - getting to know strangers, other animals and especially dogs (but not provoking a fight) and any ambient phenomena as n.e. traffic, different sounds, is a range of experiences, which should be well known already discussed the young representative of the breed. Travelling various means of transport like a car, bus, or train as well as a peaceful response to unexpected stimuli like passing a bicycle, running man or someone moving differently than others are also important determinants of the civilization of our kids. You should take care to see that this dog never left unattended outside his apartment or area.

At the age of 10 - 12 months, it is advisable to make our ward undergone obedience training. Intelligence, mobility, activity are the advantages of easy to learn, and when fully grown up - a good part in various competitions such as agility (overcoming time adequate track of obstacles), pulling weights, etc. In the case of individuals stubborn, not willing to subordinating the will of the guide - consistency, peace and perseverance in training a dog brings usually the desired effect.

Care is very straightforward - a few minutes of brushing is a massage of the skin, removing possibly paprochów and consequently proper gloss coat. Bath limit to a minimum, keeping in mind the exact proper rinsing shampoo and wiped the whole body. Periodically clean the eyes, ears and teeth (preventing scale buildup). If the dog does not run on hard ground which favors natural attrition claws, they should be seen and possibly trim. Health problems that wyodrębniałyby discussed race from the other dogs do not exist. It should be remembered that amstaffs withstand pain, and it may happen that a long time, the subject will not showed any signs of disease or injury. Hence the need for careful observation of a four-legged companion in time to prevent the development of disease.

Appearance and destiny american staffordshire terrier
- height at the withers: 46-48 cm dog, bitch 44-46 cm.
- Weight: 20-30 kg (It is important to maintain proportionality weight and height)
- Head: Medium length, broad skull. Stop too pronounced, straight topline nose. Pronounced cheek muscles. Ears set high, copied or natural. - Eyes: dark, round, wide apart, with no pink rims.
 - Body: ribs well sprung, close, well back. Cage broad and deep. - Hair: short, close-fitting, shiny.
 - Colour: any color jednomaścisty, piebald, brindle. Ointment completely white, white on the surface of greater than 80% silhouettes dog, black and tan or liver color is not preferred.
- Tail: low set, tapering towards the end. Do not curled. Not docked. - Disqualification:  nose, light or pink eyes, tail too long or badly carried, undershot or overshot. Purpose: dog accompanying defender. Well coexist with children. Friendly towards other people if you are not a threat. (may show aggression towards other dogs). It has a high need for exercise. She loves fun. Price puppy in Poland ranges from approx. 1200 zł. 3000 zł .. Lifespan 10 - 13 years.

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