sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




Historically, Australian Silky Terrier breed was named Sydney Silky Terrier, indicating its origin from the area of Sydney. However, most likely created in Ross lying in Tasmania. There is information that several families living in Ross hodowało terriers colored blue and fawn, used to exterminate rats and even snakes. Englishman Mc Arthur Little took probably one of the bitch to England and overlaid Dinmond Dandie Terrier. Returning to Australia, he took the information thus obtained hybrids and later helped to create a silky terrier. In 1959 the name was changed from Sydney Silky Terrier Australian Silky Terrier. As the name suggests, "Silky" means silk and refers to silken robes of the breed. To this day, Silky Terriers have the temperament indicative of the relationship of this race with former tępicielami pests. And although they belong to the miniature dogs are deservedly called terrierami.

Australian Silky Terrier arose in the first half of the nineteenth century. What is certain is that the Silky Terrier arose from a cross between the Australian Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and with the participation Diandie Dinmond Terrier. However, please note that representatives of the three races to differ materially from these breeds of dogs living today. Probably in the uprising Silky Terrier was also attended by many other varieties of miniature terriers, but today it is impossible to tell what exactly were the race. It is certain, however, is that in the nineteenth century England brought about 25 Yorkshire Terrier to the state of Victoria and about 25 to Southern New England. Australian Terrier Breeders looking for dogs that may contribute to breeding Black and tan began using females for mating larger ones Australian Terrier Yorkshire Terrier. In this way, through the rearing of blood led to the creation of 3 types Terrier: Australian Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and intermediate-type. Intermediate type dogs were divergent, some of them had some rough coat silky and it is these dogs became the starting point for growing Australian Silky Terrier

1889 years was the first Australian Terrier Club was founded in Victoria wirehaired he embraced his patronage of the Australian Terrier and Australian silky terrier. In 1890 he held the first exhibition of the club, during which the two breeds were judged in one class. Victoria was founded in 1908 Silky and Yorkshire Terrier Club of Victoria (dogs were registered with the Kennel Control Council), a similar club opened at the same time in New South Walli (dogs registered in the Royal Agricultural Society Kennel Control). They concentrated the largest number of breeders of race Silky Terrier. Independently of each other, both organizations have issued patterns Australian Silky Terrier. In 1900 in New South Walli and 1909 in Victoria. The two patterns overlap in critical areas, but differ in details. In both the standards required niskonożnego dog with an elongated body size of a typical wedge-shaped head Terrier. The hair on the ears, muzzle and legs should be long and silky jacket on the body. Differences included the establishment of two weight classes in New South Wales (up to 2.7 kg and from 2.7 kg to 5,4kg) and one in Victoria (from 2.7 to 5.4 kg). In Victoria, drooping ears and recognized standing and in New South Wales were considered only the ears pricked. Dogs of New South Wales in Sydney were called Silky Terrier and from Victoria Victoria Silky Terrier. But more often they began to use the name Sydney Silky Terrier until 1959.

In 1926, he began to harmonize the weight classes, have published a new pattern. In 1932 the Kennel Control Council of Victoria earned crossing Yorkshire, Australian and Silky Terrier. Unfortunately, progress in breeding occurred much later, because growers were not unanimous as to the ideal image of the breed. Part of the breeders prefer silky thumbnails Australian Terrier type with a weight of 3.6 to 4.5 kg; while others are smaller with a weight up to 2.7 kg. However, an excessive miniaturization entailed some drawbacks such as the wrong ridge. As a result of such actions became increasingly difficult to distinguish between the Yorkshire Terrier from Silky Terrier. This situation prevailed until 1959. To unify the masses contributed to American breeders (3,6-4,5 kg). When the 1958 Australian National Kennel Council realized that the rock can be considered an international standard developed by the Americans, they began again to work on the model formulated clearly, that "the maximum allowable weight is 3,6-4,5 kg. The new pattern was adopted in 1958 by the Kennel Council. The American Kennel Club finally recognized him in 1959. Pattern for many years did not undergo significant changes.

Recent changes in the pattern are the most radical since 1959. They are related in part to the fact that each race is being transformed over the years and partly social change in the approach to the dogs. The pattern of 19.04.2005 the most significant changes is the decoupling of weight and height. Formerly precisely defined weight of this breed ceased to exist. More important has become a growth that is 23-26 cm, to which the dog must have an appropriate figure. Another significant change is that the old patterns described was merely the appearance of the tail copied while the new is also a record that determines the appearance of the tail is not copied, which results from the fact that a growing number of European countries move away from such practices, considering them as mutilation dogs. Also in Poland for several years did not copy the tails Australian Silky Terrier in spite of still such dogs can be in our country issued.

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