sobota, 30 stycznia 2016





Breed lovers call it the "best dog" and any references repeats the term "king of terriers". The name is deserved, not only because of its size. Airedale Terrier is - like almost all terriers - formally the British race, precise English. The etymology of the name is not in doubt: Aire - is the name of the river, dale - this valley. This river and its valley lies in York County. Airedale is not a race old: like most of today's races took shape in the XIX century. His ancestors were certainly Otterhound - big-haired hound English used to hunt otters (race rare, but still exists), and the extinct Old English black-and-tan terrier. When in today's Airedale sometimes it appears large, heavy, "flabby", low-set ears - is said to be a "drop in the otterhoundzie". When and today it happens sometimes that adult Airedale remains black and tan (color similar to the Rottweiler or Doberman) - said that it is a "drop in the black-and-tan terrierze".


ancestors of Airedale t. Were therefore hunting dogs - no wonder so be it and he can be an excellent multilateral hunting dog who liked each area. May fetch sharpeners, track and startle, and even expose. As a working terrier too much trust in his own strength and not always besieges, sometimes even attacking. Being a big dog, and so necessarily wrong turning as Jagdterrier or fox terrier, is exposed to a greater extent saber canines boar or sow. Few hunters hunting out with Airedale t. - But those who do, praise him myself. Modern Airedale is a show dog, but is one of the versatile utility. His talents allow him to be a dog obrończym, guide the blind, the registration dogs in the army. In both world wars served in the armies of the British, American and Canadian.


Airedale terrier psyche is not only a luxurious dog, where you can show off at the show. There is also a lovely pet. A great lover of the breed, an Englishwoman, Mrs. Irene Hayes thus writes about the "king of terriers": "Many people think that dogs of this breed are too large to keep them in the house. I share this view disagree. Airedale makes much less trouble than representatives of more than one of small breeds (...). If it has its place - stay on it. If you accidentally find yourself on your way - you will have you such confidence that will allow you to go over them without disturbing you with this and not doing no movement ". In the field it changed beyond recognition. Full of temperament, react rapidly to any stimulus. It happens that engulfed example. Stalking or fun forgets for a moment even for his master. It is generally friendly disposed toward other dogs, but can perfectly fight accosted being strong, fast and turning for a dog of this measure.


The first mention of this breed comes from the 1860s. Then Airedale was known as waterside terrier, working terrier or Bingley Terrier. In 1888. Was registered Airedale Vol. 1: it was a dog, "Airedale Jerry". For the first time Airedale presented at the exhibition in Birmingham. Then the breed's development occurs rapidly. In the twentieth century there are famous dogs and famous English cultures Rural, Westhay, Tycroit, Siccaway. Immediately after the war the most formidable Airedale considered Riverina RE UNION, grandfather later winner Cruft, as well as beautiful bitch, Riverina ENCORE. In 1961 Airedale wins in choosing the "Best In Show" on CRUFTcie. This is a great feast for lovers of the breed. The winner is memorable Riverina TWEEDSBAIRN. After twenty-five years (1986) repeated the success TWEEDSBAIRNA beautiful Ginger CHRISTMASS CAROL ("EMMA") - Italian champion of culture cooperating with the famous English breeding Jokyl. Excellent Airedale t. Appear in the United States. The greatest contribution to the culture put there imported from England Ch.Bengal SABU, a representative of the culture of loud lady Harmsworth. More recently, newer is currently the leading British and American lines must be replaced Starguj, Florac and Tartan. The best dogs Anglo-Saxon nineties it Ch.Stargus KINGS HIGHLANDER dog and bitch Ch.Jokyl THIS IS MY SONG (England), and Ch.Florac KING OF SCOTS at Stargus and Ch.Timberwyck WILD BILL CODY (USA). Excellent Airedale t. To Germany. Often they win major exhibition FCI. Many leading breeding still worth mentioning, even if not already existing v.d.Schönen Bergen, as well as v.Garnsee, v.Blasiusberg. With other European farming is important to the Dutch of Malton.

Airedale dog is dolichocephalic. Great art in the culture was to achieve such a long and narrow head, and yet so solid skeleton. Airedale should have thick, straight legs, a great body, deep chest and short loins. Should be a dog square, but with a continuous top line of the neck and trunk (Figure it can not be drawn in the same straight lines). You should have a long neck, but short back. It should be strong, but at the same time not too wide. His tail has to be long and straight or slightly curved, vertically worn - but the most important is the high rear. The ideal is where a tail like a "standing on his back," and behind it can still scratch the rump. Required is an excellent angulated limbs and their excellent movement. Airedale terrier runs parallel limbs in action throwing them away toward the front. His trot is rhythmic and fluid, and step long enough, though - as a terrier - is a typical galopenem. Ears Airedale t. Can not be serious, "ogarowate" but also offend the ears too light "foksterierowate". These are small triangles with a distinct edge of collapse. The eyes are small, dark and bright. Airedale t. Is a dog szorstkowłosym a clear differentiation of hair on a hard coating and a softer undercoat. His coat requires proper care (trimming), preceded by plucking (stripping). Airedale t. Is a dog two-color: black and red or gray-fawn. The very depth of tones of both colors is not as important as their mutual arrangement that the nomenclature umaszczeń defined as saddled (not black-tan!). It's about as small as possible saddle, or dark saddle cover only the back and sides of the neck and torso. Black on the head and limbs is highly undesirable. Teeth Airedale t. Are exceptionally large and strong (like all terriers). Desired bite: scissor permissible - pincer.

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