sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




Australian Cattle Dog was selected to exhibit in the Group Working Dogs starting from 09/01/1980. He was then transferred to the Group Dogs  (Herding Group) when it was established as of 1 January 1983. The Australian Cattle Dog is a dog of a strong, vigilant and stróżującym. Originally bred to guard and herding cattle in the depths of the pristine areas of Australia. The coat easy to maintain, because bathing and brushing are sufficient to maintain the cleanliness and health. Grown as a shepherd working throughout the day, Australian Cattle Dog has a huge amount of energy.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: With the overall appearance of a strong, compact, symmetrical structure working dog. Having the ability and inclination to exercise all, any heavy tasks entrusted to it, the dog combines the reliability, power, balance and hard musculature. His appearance must therefore express great agility, strength and endurance.

The showing any tendency to fatness or cherlactwa is a serious drawback. The disadvantage is too excessive muscle hypertrophy. Dogs such seem sluggish and less agile in traffic.

SPECIAL FEATURES: For practical purposes used to help guard the cattle. Always alert, extremely intelligent, watchful, courageous and trustworthy, with instilled a sense of duty - a dog perfect for the role. His loyalty and caring instincts mean that he assumes the role of watchdogs in relation to the breeder's herd and property. Being suspicious of strangers, must also be obedient while on display in the ring.

The primary task of the Australian Cattle Dog was herding and guarding herds of cattle. Dogs of this breed are always alert, extremely intelligent, courageous and faithful. Accompanied by an Australian cattle farmers for more than 150 years old and still represent the largest after the Kelpie breed in Australia. Its popularity is owing to such features as strength, willingness to work hard, easy to lay, resistant to extreme weather conditions and the fact that they do not need much care. One dog alone can drive the 300 cattle and two dogs and two prods even 1,000. This agility, speed, excellent sense of smell and hearing and intelligence meant that the ACD is also indispensable dog to search and to rush cattle and sheep lost from the high thickets of Australian bush.

ACD move quietly and silently and at the same time are able to make rapid turns in place at full speed. Working method also is typical for this breed. Driving cattle gnaw them in hock quick single bed bug bites and they do dodge, laying on the side or bounce, making a return in place. In contrast, working in coral quick bites in the nose of cattle withhold them that it could not get out. In this case, they take the position warowania, standing or moving on przygiętych legs and a good dog never withdraws before the advancing cattle. They can also separate the art from the young adult or search the cow in heat.

By nature it is a dog distrustful of strangers and alert, with an innate instinct defense of the territory, which makes the ACD works perfectly as a guardian and protector both in the homes of the owners and the nearby guarded flocks. These dogs do not roam and left in the open air does not move away from its own territory or from the owner. The greatest satisfaction makes them to perform some task or preferably together with his master.

Innate tendency to take the initiative combined with outstanding efficiency body and mind. Robust and agile, full of enthusiasm and with a strong sense of duty, the Australian Cattle Dog is a faithful companion and loyal employee. However, this is a dog of one owner, his attachment often borders on addiction. Although eager to present to the entire family and is ideally suited as a tutor and playmate children, it feels the best, however, with his master. Usually, his infinite patience and sense of humor only "his people". In relation to foreign and sometimes suspicious at best indifferent and often aggressive, especially on its territory and in the absence of a guide. And although this is a medium-sized dog is his "rogue" look (described by Kaleskiego as "sly looking") and the way to get around is better able to scare the intruder than a barking Rottweiler. This does not mean, however, that you can not bring up a nice, friendly dog. While it is hard, energetic it has a well-balanced character and gets along great with the owner.

When the work is in full swing, at home, however, he is relaxed and easy to get along. The condition is provide it with sufficient doses traffic and ... mental work. This dog designed to work with a man and attachment to the owner is legendary and ACD will be concocting his master step by step, constantly tangled under his feet, because a knife is something to do but does not impose his personality. One should also know that these are long-lived dogs and dog of this breed will accompany us for several years and often twenty. A dog named Bluey breed ACD, which was owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia, was born in May 1910. And died on 14 October 1939. He lived 29 years old and 5m months !!! This dog is considered to be the longest living dog in the world (are considered the only documented cases). For over twenty years he worked on cattle and sheep. To maintain the well-being of Australian Cattle Dog, however, needs an active lifestyle and outdoor activities and left alone may: slip into depression and bad eating habits (biting the tail, feet, etc.), Bite people chase for motor vehicles and animals, dig pits a garden like. That's why this race is not suitable for people who spend most of the day outside the home and do not have time to provide the dog company. The way out is taking your dog to work. Cattledog will quietly sitting under a desk at the feet of her Lord and it will be for him great satisfaction. Many people who are retired also appreciates the race. These dogs do not run, do not wander, are not noisy and eager to keep their company for an elderly person and are criminal, and in an emergency they can defend themselves. Hence their popularity among retirees in Finland who prefer the race to choose his companions.

All the positive qualities are appreciated not only in Australia but also in Anglo-Saxon countries, Argentina, and recently also in Europe. In the US and Canada, ACD are in the top 50 most popular races. Used for grazing cattle in the Central United States, Argentina and grazing reindeer in Scandinavia and Canada. Used in canine sports such as agilyty, freesby, flayball and also thanks to the ease of learning and original appearance in the film industry and advertising. Agility, courage, excellent sense of smell and ability to make decisions in extreme situations and a "watchdog" Australian Cattle size of Great Danes have made it increasingly used for training this breed rescue, police and military. Their alertness, the ability of observation and love the owner has also been used to train these dogs as guardians of the disabled, people with diabetes and epilepsy.

Please note that ACD like to dominate among the other dogs, so a fight between dogs are not uncommon, although they are rather quick and short encounter. As a young man are crazy about inexhaustible energy dogs prone to fights and sharp fun, age-appropriate training and their character is stabilized and in older dogs, these tendencies disappear and direct their attention to the owner. This makes it especially tend to be "jealous" of his attention, and with a few dogs of this breed is good to observe their internal hierarchy so as not to cause unnecessary tensions between dogs. Among cattledogów difference in strength of character between a dog and a bitch is not there, which is related to the purpose of the breed. Regardless of the sex of the dog she had to work well and it provided the backdrop for selection for the first breeders and today these criteria should prevail. All descriptions of the breed say that it is a quiet dog. Having already had experience in dealing with this breed came to the conclusion that, yes ACD work quietly, without barking at everyone you meet a dog or a human, moving silently but many copies sometimes noisy dogs when they are excited. Though at home rather they are quiet and their presence neighbors might not notice it while walking her joy of life and excitement coming just fun, whether his master back home, announce a very specific voice. As legend voice carries the voice reminds Owls Australia, or Australian Zmroczkika. And although it is not long "speech" is definitely a very astute. It should be taken into account when deciding on cattledog. Their voices, however, changes dramatically when warned of a coming intruder or defend territory. As guardians are excellent dogs, because they do not initiate an alarm for any reason.

Specific barking, snarling under his feet compensate for the fidelity and trust what we can give. If Australijaski Cattle Dog overwhelm the heart of your Lord, that even if he had many dogs will always wanted to be next to each other just the race. Cattle Dogi is addictive, and few owners have a dog of this breed. Captivate extraordinary intelligence, devotion, ability to adapt to the conditions in which they live, agility and cunning and extraordinary beauty.

HISTORY OF BREED first breeder did not have records of breeding, they wanted above all to create the best, considering the conditions in Australian sheepdog. As for the breed, the diverging opinions and it would be wrong to opt for one of them. All data relating to the formation of the breed based on the stored notes and old publications. In the early nineteenth century settlers in Australia they began to occupy areas of the central and western part of the continent. Huge spaces perfectly suited to grazing cattle and sheep, which resulted in the rapid expansion of the herds and need a dog that would be able to withstand severe climatic conditions and was so intelligent and confident that over vast areas able to work independently. At the beginning of settlers for grazing cattle they have used a dog called "Smithfield" - was a dog with a square body structure, residual tail, long and hard bristles, ointments mostly black with a white ruff.

 He had a wedge-shaped head, long ears and somewhat ponderous gait. These dogs did not give cope with climate warynkami Australia, nor withstand the difficult terrain and long distances. They were also very barking. In the 30s of the nineteenth century, cattle beater named Timmins, he noted during a cattle drive that Dingo dogs do not bark, and at the same time have an innate instinct to herd them onto the victim overlap allowing her from behind. He crossed British Smithfield with dogs Dingo the result was a dog called "Timmin's biters". The dogs were rude about residual tail and worked in silence. Unfortunately, it turned out that there are too stubborn and biting too hard. With time ceased to use this cross to work but probably was used to create another Australian Stumpy Tail breed Australian Cattle Dog. To work with cattle not fit a crossword collie with bullterriers and quickly withdrawn from them, but still bullterrier (wrongly) is considered the ancestor of the ACD. In 1840, Thomas Hall, brought Scottish highlands pair of marbled collie. When working with cattle checked out perfectly, but loud barking and cattle occurred from the front (which is not the desired behavior during a cattle drive), losing PZY including a lot of energy still skirting the herd. Hall crossed the progeny of Scottish Blue Merle Collie with Dingo and was silent dogs called "Hall's Heelers". 

For dogs Hall was a very high demand, as they were at that time the best race Cattle in Australia. Thomas Hall continued his work breeding until his death 28 maja1870. In the 60s and 70s the nineteenth century, George Elliott from Queensland, like Hall experimented with hybrids marbled Dingo and Collie. Dogs with the mating still called Hall's Heelers or "Queensland Heelers". With his kennel came out many excellent dogs. This led to meticulous notes, in which he described the qualities and defects in dogs. Eg., "Feb. 12, 1873 Ten-bitch of the year in one-fourth coming from the dingo, working with the herd so quietly that her name Munya (Aboriginal word meaning" quiet ")". Bitch that left the culture and overlaid it with great marbled Collie named Elliot (acquired him Aug. 2, 1875 year). From this mating came out excellent litter and one of the females, Rust, covered again marbled Collie named Steel. One of the puppies turned to a dog named Joker, one-quarter Dingo, and the dog hid females of the litter Rust and Steel's. A few dogs from kennels Elliott bought a butcher, Alex Davis, and these dogs with him arrived at the cattle market in Canterbury in Sydney. The manner in which these dogs have worked so impressed cattle prods that their puppies was immediately too. Among the buyers were two brothers of Canterbury, Jack and Harry Bagust. Their intention breeding was so "improve" the breed, so that the dogs were more tied to horses and people. They did this by using a mating Dalmatian belonging to Mr. Stephan, a lawyer from Ashfield / Sydney. From crossword puzzles Queensland Heelers and Dalmatian Bagustowie received dogs that do not already have marbled coat color but red and blue spotted. 

Puppies born completely white and only about a fourth day could be determined what will be their hair color. At the same time expected to feature attachment to horses and people it was stronger than expected and dogs from this litter perfectly round this and work with the horse. Both brothers had a black and tan Kelpie, who admired the zeal to work. Kelpie crossed with puppies Queensland Heelers x Dalmatian. The effects have passed their expectations. They received active dogs, with a stocky build, in type somewhat ciężkawego dog Dingo, durable, working quietly, with a large herd instinct of defense and what is most interesting coat pups was the only of its kind on a global scale. Dogs blue had black patches around the eyes, black ears, brown eyes and a small white patch on his head. The torso was evenly covered with dark blue and light blue for years to came tan markings on legs chest and head. Rude dogs on the head and had dark red meaning, ears and patches of the same color. Jack and Harry Bagustowie ran and hid selective breeding only those dogs that were as close as possible to the ideal in terms of the mental and physical state and to communicate this unusual coat. Dogs from the kennel began to gain more and more popularity among cattle breeders and especially the blue variety. With time, dogs named "Blue Heelers", "Queensland Heelers", "Queensland Blue Heelers" drove the British Breed in working with cattle. Then again added "Swierze" Dingo blood in the 40s of the twentieth century. Dr. Allan McNivel crossed the ACD and the Dingo to improve the health, temperament sharpen and enhance the features of Dingo in kind. Most of the descendants of this cross was used for further breeding. Actually, ever since there were no longer any crosses, and in the culture focused on deepening suitable for the working dog traits, type, and color. We can say that dogs bred by the brothers Bagustów are the ancestors of current Australian Cattle Great Danes.

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