sobota, 30 stycznia 2016


Alpine dachsbracke

Alpine dachsbracke


Alpine Hounds dachsbracke is a compact, robust dogs with great passion. Due to its slower chase too low on the track, so that game will not leak from them too quickly. In Poland, still less numerous, they work mainly as posokowce, but they are also doskonyłymi dzikarzami. We are happy to go into the water, they retrieve well. In practice, also we found high sharpness to predators. In some countries they are used as hounds to hunt hares, and even as norowce. However, "the world will know the lower the Wind" and this predisposes them to work on the trail. Our experience shows that already 6-month puppies after a few workouts, they are able without any major problems rozpracowywać artificial tracks for several hours (without ink) located in the shoes tropic or tropic wheel. By nature, they are friendly, but wary of strangers. They show great patience with small children - what "remake" our. Due to the slight increase and short hair are hassle-free homes, although left to themselves can be quite temper. Mentally mature faster than posokowce Hanoverian and Bavarian, which guarantees us the possibility of early use of dog in the fishery. And most importantly: rarely they fall into the hands niemyśliwych, probably due to its moderately attractive exterior, but it happens, and so that the hunter buy a dog in the hope that it will have a faithful hunting companion, bring home and ... after a few days the household (mostly female) they say it is their dog and the forest it will not let go - the story authentic summary must be said that jamnikogończe but a small stature, have a big heart to hunt and are a race with a possible use in various fisheries - not only those from the big game.

History of breed

- Antiquity: from this period are known for paintings of dogs similar in type to the Alpine hound
 - 1881. Rudolf Habsburg in his book "Travels 1881 East." He describes hunters, accompanied jamnikowate Hounds
- 1886. Ludwik Beckman and Otto Grashey perpetuate Dachsbracke on his paintings
 - 1896. : Austria formed a trade union organization, which sets breeding base and rules of organizing exhibitions, the organization's activity destroys the outbreak of World War I, which also causes the fall breeding race
- 1919. Reborn club - takes place and meeting with over 200 participants
- 1923. : Dachsbracke club formed branches in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia - 1932. : Austrian cynological organizations recognize the third race of the Alpine warrant posokowca
- 1934. : August Baumann book seems Fri. "Alpine jamnikogończy ore mountains"
- 1938. Austria loses sovereignty and Austrian club is absorbed by the Germans
- 1946. Max Zermatto rebuild the club and conduct the first trial use
- 1975. FCI record race under the name alpine dachsbracke No. 254, the club carried a 200-passionate examination of usefulness
- 1990. Josef Stangl book seems Fri. "Alpine jamnikogończy" - 1996. 100-anniversary of the Club Dachsbracke
- 1999. 400-passionate examination of usefulness, followed by the development of international cooperation clubs alpine warrant krótkonożnego after 2000. On the initiative of Col. Joseph Głowniak attempt was made to appoint Polish Club Dachsbracke - 2005.: In April brings the General Assembly of the Founding of the Polish Club Dachsbracke, elected authorities and bodies of the Club, the Club opens for business

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