sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




That's the name of Spitz, which does not exist yet in the nomenclature Federation Cynologique Internationale. Thus, for now, we will not see him at shows dog show in Poland. How is this dog? Some say it's a little Samoyed. You can use a comparison, a reference to the more popular the breed, but do not identify breeds of dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth ... As if to say that manchester terrier is a small Doberman ... Each breed has several distinctive traits. It is no different with our hero. Let's look at history, eksterierowi, some close on the dog. Eskie for recognition as a separate breed speaks even its more than century-old pedigree. Race, successfully develops in the United States. In 1919 he was recognized by one of the canine organizations operating in the United States - United Kennel Club. Oddly enough, it was not associated with the adoption of the breed standard. While in 1958, developed the stories of race, this is just the creation of breed clubs straightened out how recognition and registration of dogs (National American Eskimo Dog Association -1970r., And the American Eskimo Dog Club of America). On the initiative of the latter club it was in 1995., Recognition of the breed by the American Kennel Club. It is very important that the FCI recognizes AKC pedigree dogs. Thus, the recognition discussed race in Europe has become a matter of time. It is worth noting that since 2006 the breed was recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. How does an American Eskimo dog? It Spitz, of varying sizes. Some believe that this miniature Samoyed. It comes in three size categories - toy: 23cm to 30 cm, weight 2.4kg to 4.5 kg. - Miniature 30 cm to 38 cm, weight: 4.5 kg to 9 kg. - The standard 38 cm to 48 cm, weight: 8 kg to 16 kg. The variation in the breed makes Amarican Eskimo dog will prove themselves in both small block mieszkankach and in homes with gardens. Once used as a circus dog. Currently - a dog for company. It's a beautiful dog in the Nordic type. With it resembles Samoyed, so it is much smaller. Race is a relatively "young". It is believed that the Eskimo is not related to the European spikes. However, draws attention to the fact that among the five races Spitz German (Keeshond, Spitz large, Spitz medium, Spitz small and spitz miniature - pomeranian) at four races there among white coat, the exception is the Keeshond. Kindred with spiers German, Italian Spitz volpino, it can be pure white ointment. Name - American Eskimo dog raises some reflections, associating with dogs used by Inuit sled sledding. larger and more heavily-built spikes midnight. Often, races occur in an orderly dog ​​breeding, are shaped by expectations other than those related to their ancestors. Eski, regardless of its versatility, it is primarily a companion dog. The orderly kynologicznie version of the breed should meet m .in. the following conditions.

COLOUR: always white, possibly with cream-colored markings.

Tail: Bushy and curled over the back.

Head: wedge-shaped. Prick ears and triangular.

The eyes should be blue "glass" (preferably dark in color). It is important to good pigmentation of the eyelids and gums. The nose and toe pads should be black. Neck muscular, straight topline. Well muscled forelimbs and hind.

Silhouette of the dog: in a rectangle, the height of the shoulder is slightly less than the length of the body. COAT: hair abundant, simple, always white; It tolerates small, creamy matter. The coat on the neck to form a ruff or mane. It is a special differentiator especially in males. The top coat to a length of 15 cm. The undercoat should be thick and plush.

Temperament, character: a dog affectionate, loving, yet with character. Playful. As every cusp show some independence. Wary of strangers keeps in reserve. But the visitors after a brief hesitation, accepted. This intelligent animals. Training them is not a problem. The flight memorize the command. They are willing to cooperate and quickly take the new job. They like to work, are active. They require paying attention, interest, active leisure. Neglected, they can gain attention by barking or even aggression (also against his master). Left alone, they may show disobedience and stubbornness. They require active conductor. They like to work regular mental and physical training. Otherwise, you may become hyperactive and irritable. All sizes of eskie requires proper upbringing, socialization pose. These dogs love to be useful. The breed is well suited to most canine sports.


Dogs in good health. Maintenance and hygiene conditions do not differ from generally needed to the dogs with long hair. The breed has a tendency to hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy. Pay special attention to the eyes and from time to time washed with the appropriate fluid. The observed tendency to greed can manifest rapid increase in weight. Therefore, active lifestyle, exercise, walking combined with fun exercises are very important.


It boils down to regular brushing coat, at least twice a week. During molting, which runs not too active, it is advisable to daily combing dead hair.

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