sobota, 30 stycznia 2016




Reading the text well is preceded by a reading from a further development of dedicated min. Swiss shepherd dogs, namely - "History, kynologia, a legend ...." The theme of Swiss dogs zaganiających cause some controversy in the environment dog lovers. Some experts on the subject associate the origin of these pets with dogs accompanied the Roman legions (Strebel). Others, which include Hans Räber, on the contrary, they believe that Swiss shepherd is a breed indigenous. It has long been living in Switzerland. Originally version of disordered from the point of view of dog breeding. Räber emphasizes that it is wrong notion supposedly Pass of St. Gothard was the route of the march of the Roman legions. Local Dogs Cattle were kept on the sidelines road march of the Roman army. So all the associations on the subject, are his opinion, wrong. Romans journey north brought their dogs, which does not mean that they were the only quadrupeds working in Helvetia. More likely it is the hypothesis by mixing copies came from the legions of the local population of dogs.

It notes that the sources of past centuries can be found mention in particular about hunting dogs, as well as others in the hands of prominent figures. Dogs country which include, mentioned in the title race, just they have not been documented. Therefore, any information that might be complementary knowledge may be useful.

For Swiss peasant measure of the value of the dog was its usefulness. Herding and guarding herds, driving out to pasture, spending for milking, herding the barn, keeping the herd in a group, look for stray pieces and drove in their herd - are activities belonging to the breed, among others, Who knew his duty dog ​​zaganiający should pacify the cow to break away from the herd. Grabbing the back gambrel - as a rule, an attempt to kick a dog - blitz dodge, dodge. This technique characterizes good dog zaganiającego. Animals that sting cattle blindly, or clutched his side was considered unsuitable. One thing is certain, the Cattle dogs sometimes lose their raison d'être and their existence by individual races, we owe lovers, enthusiasts, who in the twentieth century took care of the breeding ordered. Occurring in Switzerland, used for grazing cattle, dogs diverse country, with different appearance, constituted a material that cynologists standardize in terms of several breeds of dogs. The origins of this activity concern, in particular the breed. Figure that drew attention to the desirability of preserving the inherited traits shepherd dog Appenzell was Max Siber. Recognizing the value in use encountered copies, Siber promoted the removal of the breed in a strange way - it is a squat, almost elegant silhouette dog, but very useful. A characteristic feature of the breed is curled tail, which according to race promoter was viewed critically ... There was a suggestion that in the actions of breeding, you should aim to get the tail responsible for hounds (ie not twisted over the back).

Swiss Canine Society, at the end of the nineteenth century, several people set up a committee, whose task was to find the most typical representatives of the breed and rewarding the owners of bonuses (from 5 to 20 francs). The action took opponents. Also shepherds of Appenzell showed no understanding for the initiative. However w1898r. on display in Winterthur it appeared for the first time 8 appenzellerów. After his death in 1899 Sibera., An important figure who contributed to the continuation gave the race was discussed geologist Professor. A.Heim. This very active man, leading geological research in the Alps, was impressed by the appenzellerami. In 1906 it was founded Appenzeller Mountain Dog Club. The initiators were a group of enthusiasts race with Josef Gmünder at the helm. This initiative met with indiscriminate criticism. Public opinion considers that the assumption Club dog shows insanity initiator ...

Undeterred Gmünder opened the herd appenzellerów. It was the beginning of the culture of the pedigrees. The author of the first test was a professor. Albert Heim. Interestingly, developed the basic issues of race are valid today. Until the First World War in / in the book entered 100 dogs. The first dogs entered in the herd book, pokrojowo were similar to the assumptions pattern, but today determined that it is called - "Locate". The base gave the race consisted of eleven copies. In 1927 he was introduced to the culture of the last, of unknown origin dog. For objective reasons, breeding material was significantly reduced. The origins of the culture was characterized by a high degree of matching in the kinship of significant repetition of the same copies. A classic example was the pedigree bitch Meta von Grimmenstein, in which, at the level of 7 to 12 generations, stud Frisch von der Sitter occurs 121 times (for Hans Raber). It is curious that such a situation does not fruitful in various types of defects (?). The explanation is run very sharp selection and admission for further breeding only flawless copies. However, the issues of exterior were secondary. Strictly taken into account in particular the high degree of usefulness dog . At the beginning of breeding ordered experienced two types: slender, delicate legs, long ears and other harder built a broad chest. Prof. Heim, founder master, was a supporter of more of the robust figure and this opinion has become effective. Currently, there are appenzellery grown as much uniform in the sense pokrojowym race. Uniform color and drawing meanings. It is recognized as a salve brown, with yellow and white markings. Curled tail, which at the beginning of breeding the subject of the dispute, has become an iconic hallmark. To a large extent they have been standardized sizes of the breed. Also the issue of clothes, hair quite hard, resistant to inconvenience the weather, is clearly defined. For details, see the breed standard.

Full of temperament, quite noisily working dog, distrustful of strangers, still perfectly fulfills the role of "whipper-in". However, nowadays, more and more often finds itself perfectly as a companion dog, yet alert watchman.

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