sobota, 30 stycznia 2016



The nature of the Big Japanese Dog (Akita-type US)

As dogs companions Samurai and Shoguns, were seen as bold and fearless. Their very attitude meant that often deter strangers. Dogs were also used during hunting game. Currently psami- are excellent companions serve as a guard dog, and the dog to the team. To date, courage and loyalty are inseparable elements of their character. Large Japanese dogs have a very specific personality, so are suitable for people calm yet resolute. Hard raising these dogs, depending on the inclination, it can cause fearfulness or aggression. Most achieved through friendly, patient and consistent upbringing. If he or she resigns, he will try to take over the leadership of his flock (will try to subdue the family members), because it belongs to the dominant dog. Despite this LU are very intelligent, can be skillfully trained, eg. In the field of canine sports. When putting pressure becomes stubborn, because submission is alien to them. Only kindness and patience to achieve its objective, as indeed all in this race. American Akita is well suited eg .: on psa- lifeguard and works well while searching for people trapped by an avalanche mountain. This job is for them a valuable variety. With the constantly repeating the same ćwiczeniach- refuses to end the cooperation. Besides, you can never be 100% sure that listen, even when a dog of this breed is well mannered. If akita is not ready to give up other dogs, with large as well as dominant dogs it may be in trouble. Small dogs will instead mostly ignored. Originally, as hunting dogs, there was still much more strongly developed in their propensity for hunting. In forest areas rich in prey do better by holding their picket on a leash. Beautiful hair of these dogs is made up of two layers (hair and undercoat), and is very easy to care for. Only when the hair shedding (molting), twice a year, it must be combed and brushed daily. Despite the fact that Japanese and American Akitas have the same origin, their varieties developed under different conditions. In the United States, they are now bred Akitas strong, strong bone and peaceful. In Japan, in the 60s in accordance with the prevailing fashion, geared towards their breeding to obtain copies of small, neat and with a fine structure. As a result, the resulting differences in the two types of these dogs, it was decided to classify them as: * Akita- Inu (Japanese Akita), recognized by the Kennel Club to Group V * Large Japanese dogs (American Akita), classified in Group II Big Dog Japanese, like everyone Spitz is a great individualist. He is very confident, sometimes stubborn and imperious. If from early as puppies it is properly run, then for the guide and his family is gentle, affectionate and effusive friend. Relative strangers remains wary, aloof, unwilling to enter into a closer relationship, which makes it ideal for a watchman. It is not noisy. Strangers, recessed by a tutor, will be watched not spoufalając with them, ready to attack at the time of emergency. Unless provoked a sustainable, not showing too violent reactions dog in walce- dogged, relentless and unstoppable. At the mismanagement of conduct can and have predispositions to both physical and mental, dominate guardian. Therefore, training in obedience should begin as early as puppies, because they are dominant dogs. Once acquired dominant position will try by all means to maintain, which can be very dangerous for anyone who wants to deprive him of this position. Accordingly, the LU is not suitable for elderly, physically weak, and too commanding, submissive or nerve. A typical feature of the race is a huge commitment of dogs to owners, as every day can experience everyone who chose this dog companion. Initially, it was used as hunting dogs to hunt wild boar, deer and even dangerous black bears. They valued them for their obstinacy, ferocity and ruthlessness in battle, as well as passion for hunting. Hunting for bears, usually worked in pairs, male-female. First, they beset by an animal, staggering around it circles. When the bear raised up on his hind paws, the dog attacked the flank, and bitch at the same time, biting the throat. The fight took place in complete silence. Often, however, it happened that the dogs died from hitting the bear paws. One source reports that in Colorado (USA) pair of dogs after the 30-minute fight knocked 400 kg grizzly bear. Old sources represent akita, as dogs that helped fishermen in the fishery. Doggy usually sat next to his master on the rock, almost a meter above the water and watched the behavior of fish (trout and salmon) near the shore. When this podpływała close to shore, the dog on command, jumped into the water to catch it and bring it to his master. With the jump from such a height dog he was forced to dive into water, often to a depth of up to 1 meter. According to the messages, the average effectiveness of such catch fish amounted to approx. 60-70%. These dogs also reportedly helped with wpędzaniu fish to the network, but so far I have not found documented description of the manner in which they did so only with the mention. The nature quiet dogs also worked as a guard dog, protecting livestock against wild boars. This race also valued for his outstanding fidelity guardian. Over time, their popularity grows, akita- known for his strength and focus, she has become a popular player dogfighting, particularly in the area of ​​Kazuno and Senboku. Fights have been the subject of numerous plants, and interest in them so much that even introduced championship. This success of this bloody sport was made possible by the fact that these dogs have the potential tendency to dominate, especially in relation to other dogs, while the rollers are fast, fierce and unstoppable. Usually, the fight took place on a small catwalk surrounded by netting. Their area of ​​about 40-50 square meters, with a height of over two meters. In any case, the fight ended in the death of one of the dogs. This resulted in an increase in aggression in the winner with increasing number of defeated opponents.

History of the breed

While searching for information on the race, on one of the websites I found an interesting mention. It concerned the origin of Akitas. It stipulated that these dogs belong to one of the oldest breeds in the world. They found for carvings in the rocks with their likeness looking like modern Akitas, which originated before 5000 years. The exact origin of the breed and pedigree remain to this day unknown. One idea was that the breed originated in the seventeenth century. Living in exile, in the province of Akita in the northern region of the island Hoshu, a Japanese aristocrat, he decided to grow courageous and strong hunting dog. Bred dog, however, was smaller than today's Akita. They were the elite dogs. The only owners and their dogs breeders could only be Japanese shoguni. The method of taking care of the dogs, ie. Both care and nutrition, was described in strictly complied with and protected documentation. This demonstrates the high esteem, which attracted dogs of this breed. Were of great value, so to speak, they enjoyed a sort of cult that has not turned over any other dog. In the nineteenth century they began to use Akita fighting dog. At the end of the nineteenth century (around 1897.), Hoping to spice up the course "professions" started crossbreeding their dogs with other dogs battle the Japanese, among others tosa inu. The result of this cross was getting aggressive dog of impressive size. This led almost to extinction Akitas. In defense of the purity of the breed occurred Mayor of Odate Mr. Izumi Mr. Shigeie. In 1900,. Two dogs of this breed were presented to the Emperor Taisho, and in 1914. At the exhibition Taisho. Public opinion supported the movement to defend the purity of the breed, and already in 1919. Approved a bill to preserve the purity of the breed. A year later, Dr. Shozaburo Watase made in Odate review of the population of dogs, but because of the large number of different types of dogs he was not able to extract the dog, who would retain the right for the breed characteristics. The results are shown in the work "Origin of Japanese Dogs", as well as the Zoological Society Meeting in 1922. Once again returned to this theme in the work "History of maintaining the purity of breed Japanese" Mr Hiroshi Saito. In 1927. Akiho standard was developed. In 1931, again carried out a review of dog population under the chairmanship of Dr Tokyo Kaburagi, whereas in 1931. You changed the name to Akita dog. Dog used for breeding King-Go, bitch Matsukaze Shigeichi Mr. Izumi, Mr. Ichinoseki bitches, bitches Mr. Aoyagi, dogs and bitches Lord Tatayama. An end to dog fighting was laid in 1931. When the Akita was officially recognized as a "national dog of Japan", while forbidding the export of these dogs from Japan. During the Second World War the breed almost became extinct. Why? Now, because of the great food shortages, any person dokarmiającą dog was considered a traitor. Maintaining such a large dog was too expensive and could not be at the expense of life or human health. Dogs used for meat and skin. The war left about a dozen dogs of this breed. The post-war culture was also difficult because malnourished dogs breed poorly, many fell on the dog distemper and other diseases, many were burdened with malformations. The first dog brought over to the United States was given to Mrs. Helen Keller in July 1937. From Mr. Ichiro Ogasawara (later chairman of Akiho) dog Kamikaze-Go (Takichi Mr. Takahashi), who, however, soon fell to distemper. Two years later, Mr. Ogasawara gave Helen Keller another dog Kenzan-Go, an older brother of Kamikaze-Go, born in the house of the Lord Eijiro Kanazawa of Odate. After the war, it has grown in popularity Akitas in the international arena. They contributed to the American soldiers who are returning to the country brought with them these wonderful dogs. At that time, the dog Congo-Go won the exhibition JKC similar type of dog won at the show Akihoco resulted in an increase of interest in this race, especially since the late 40's to mid 50's. Dogs line Kongo-Go were large, heavily built and majestic, but their appearance differed from those whom became interested in Japanese breeders. With time, Akitas promoted appearance in the United States ran from the appearance of those bred in Japan. Akita is a symbol of dog's loyalty-good and bad. These are dogs "in love" with their owners, faithful to them until the end. An example of this might be the story of Hachi-Ko, a dog through which the world has learned that there is a creature (unfortunately not a man, a dog), for which the concept of love, devotion and fidelity are not empty words, and the meaning of life.


Hachiko, the Akita Inu breed puppy, was born in 1923. His owner was a professor of Tokyo University, Eisubaro Ueno. Now, when Hachi-Ko has grown slightly with age puppy, his habit has become a daily discharge of his master on the small square in front of Shibuya station. He returned on the same day, about four o'clock in the afternoon to greet you return from work. Every day, you and the dog, regardless of the weather, parted and greeted in the square in front of the station. It seemed that nothing can disturb the harmony that has prevailed between them. However, in 1925, when the dog was 18-months old, Hachi-Ko, as usual, took leave his master getting into the train, but in vain lookout for his return at four o'clock in the afternoon. Well Eisubaro Ueno died in the workplace. They knew about it all, but no one could, he could not explain the dog, who returned every little square outside the station, looking at the door of the train beloved master. It lasted nine years, until the death of the dog. Every day, over this period, the dog returned to the place where you said goodbye for the last time. Friendly people cared for him and fed him, but he accepted all the signs of concern with complete indifference. No one could replace his canine heart Eisubaro Ueno. Hachi-Ko became famous, thanks to an article that appeared in the press on 10/04/1932. Fri .: "A Moving Story of an Old Dog" and in honor of his honor and devotion erected a bronze statue of him made by the Japanese sculptor Teru Ando. Another example of such an extraordinary devotion to man is the story of 12 dogs Akita Inu, who took part in 1957. Participated in a scientific expedition on the south course. Difficult weather conditions prevented in this expedition and Japanese scientists were forced to return from the middle of the route. However, in a place where they got left part of the equipment and dogs. They returned after 3.5 years. We can imagine their surprise when on-site greeted their (full set) dogs. They survived all so amazing for other races, or even impossible, adaptability to different, even very harsh environmental conditions. They fed by what is found on the shore several hundred kilometers distant ocean. But constantly coming back to this place where you left them at the mercy of the elements people. They were waiting for the return of those whose loved. At the airport Tokyo, a memorial for the 12 dogs that survived the 1957 expedition.


Browsing the available sources I came across an interesting mention of the presentation of this breed. Well, dogs have been carried out usually colored, woven with cotton leashes, which, depending on the rank of the holder of a dog were also interspersed with silver or gold thread. The color of the leash must also harmonize with the coat of the dog. Japanese literature shows the Akita as a dog old and a native of ownership which were related to certain beliefs. Those who could not afford the dog (could it have nobles) had to settle for his likeness. Small statues of wood, of Akita performed by Japanese sculptors, were attractive, good-luck Christmas gifts. They were a symbol of ownership. They associated with their specific beliefs passed down from generation to generation. And yes, it received bride in the wedding day, for it was the mascot brings luck. The statue Akitas, and located at the laboring woman was to ensure trouble-free parturition. Donated baby, the little statue was a symbol of the subsequent strength, health and intelligence recipient. Figurine suspended over the cradle of the child had to protect him from bad dreams. Akitas were considered the national dog of Japan, whose existence during the Second World War was threatened. The breed was extinct. After 1945, Akitas, as specific "gifts" from the Japanese their way to the United States. There, they started to create differences in the type Akitas raised there and propagated, and akitami Japanese. Differences related to the construction and coat dogs. By the end of the year '99, in principle, it was possible reproduction of both types, ie. Choosing Akita Japanese Akita type in the type of American. Now, after the division, the selection of the pairs is unacceptable due to the different classification of both races.

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